Interview: Dinz


1. Salutations! Who are you & where are you from?

Dinz aka The Animal outta Toms River Ocean County NJ

2. How long have you been making music?

I got my 1st guitar around 20 years ago so I’ve been making music most of my life. I was in a punk band in my 6th grade talent show called Slinky.

3. What inspires you?

All forms of music. Art. Poetry. Anger. Peace. Love. Hate. What I love about hip hop is you get to keep it real and be honest. There’s not many genres that can do that and have it work. My work is 100% real and honest and I couldn’t do it if it wasn’t that way. Anybody who copped my 2013 release Audible Chaos already knows. The album is a fucking map of my brain.

4. If you could work with any producer in the industry who would it be? Why?

If I had a large budget and could work with anybody I’d have a few faves, but I actually prefer to work with unknown dudes who kill it. I find most of my producers by listening to a lot of underground hip-hop and finding unknown cats that murder it. Half of my last record was produced by 2 incredible teenage producers from Cali i discovered by randomly clicking on a link. I find that searching for a perfect beat and getting lucky and finding and unknown producer with a gem is more rewarding than paying a well known producer hundreds of dollars for an equally dope beat.

5. Why are you such a maniac?

I think the truth is I get bored quick and I love chaos and insanity. If I’m at a show or a party I’m perfectly in my element and everyone seems to love me. My problem is that 90% of the American lifestyle involves doing boring shit to get through the day. That’s why when I’m on stage, partying, or letting loose, I want to get as wild as possible to alleviate stress. I think that’s why I’ve actually gained a lot of fans from performing. The majority of MCs don’t too much stage antics when performing. When I perform I prefer to roll around on the ground, stage dive, pour beer on myself, and start a mosh pit in the crowd, which adds an unpredictable element to my set. I feel like a hip-hop show should be an experience and I try to provide one and put my all into every show.

6. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring one item with you what would it be?

Female. Does that count as an item? If not then i guess a guitar, cuz a boom box would eventually run outta batteries.

7. Top 5 Dead or Alive?

4. Big L
5. Biggie

8. Favorite tour memory?

Throwing all of my clothes into the audience in Nashville while the crowd threw beer at us and Axl J Foley tried to flying elbow drop me and missed, injuring himself. Most rock stars don’t even have moments like that lmao

9. Best place to eat in New Jersey?

Xina, Wawa, and any seafood restaurant in Ocean or Monmouth county. They’re all phenomenal.

10. Thanks for answering my questions bro. Any last shout outs?

I hate shout outs cuz I always forget someone who deserves it immediately after I’m done, but everyone in Team Tall Cans and everyone who’s welcomed me with open arms into this rugged game we call hip-hop Oh yeh, and anyone thats copped the album. I’m working on new material as we speak and big things are to come.

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