Interview: Tha Soloist

1. Peace family! Who are you & where are you from?
Peace. I go by Tha Soloist, and I’m from Jersey City, New Jersey.
2. What inspires you?
I’m inspired by so many things. Inspiration can come from anywhere…
but if I had to choose a few of them it would have to be film,
instrumentals, and everyday life. The good and the bad times.
My music usually comes from a deep place, so I’m always inspired by
the events that are life changing. One more thing that inspires me is
the fans that hit me up every day to tell me that I inspire them.
That’s the best feeling in the world, just knowing that they can
relate to the joy and the pain. It makes it all worthwhile.
3. If you could work with any producer who would it be & why?
I’d have to pick two, not one. Mr. Green and Apollo Brown.
They both have mad soul. You can’t fake that. My stuff is soulful too,
so it’s only right. Green is very talented, and Brown’s beats fit me
just right. Check out my track with C-Lance, “Heart of Justice”
so you can get a better idea.
4. Top 5 Dead or Alive?
I don’t really like to pick five flavors out of the melting pot,
but I’ll give you a list of five emcee’s that are great to me.
and I gotta add ODB!
5. Greatest musical group of all time (outside of Hip-Hop)
I like Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, and Elton John. As for groups though
I’d have to say The Beatles. I also like Aphrodite’s Child, The Beach Boys,
and Green Day is up there as well (I grew up listening to all their stuff)
As for soul singers, I really like The Stylistics, The Miracles, and The Isley Brothers.
I almost forgot Johnny Cash! Sorry, I could go on for days.
I know I’m forgetting a lot of them.
6. Who is your favorite upcoming MC right now?
That’s a tough question. I like what Focus is doing right now.
Ron-Ron was dope too, but he disappeared. But yeah, Focus got lyrics.
The boy can spit. Trust me. I gotta throw Coal in there. I know he’s been
doing it for a minute, but he’s extremely gifted. Shout out to Dead Rabbits.
7. I admire your drive. Do you have any advice to give other artists?
Thanks. I’m always busy. I’m dead if I’m not creating. It’s as simple as that.
My advice is this…NEVER get too personal with anyone right away.
Take your time. A lot of these guys are out for blood. A lot of them want
to see you fail. It’s that crab in a bucket mentality. Just do your thing,
work hard, and be kind. Never give up on your dreams. And remember this,
a lot of the artists you admire are watching, so handle yourself like a
professional. Don’t do anyone dirty in this game. There’s enough of that
going around anyway. Try not to jump the gun, paying for verses right away.
Earn your respect and pay your dues first. Let them come to you. I’m not
saying it’s bad to support the artist, but try to build a catalog.
8. What project’s should we be looking forward to in the near future?
I’ll be on Disturbia Music Group producer Sultan Mir’s debut album dropping
in the winter (Sultans Empire)
I’m working on an LP with Focus (untitled)
I got an EP with Tone Liv on the way (Spill Ritual)
Rated R is another emcee I’ve been working with.
Me and Trilian need to get back to work on our LP (Exit Thru Gift)
and I got an album already out (The New Terrah) with Mark Deez,
Edd Bundy and DJ TMB
You can download my free LP on Audiomack (The Glorious Bastard)
Last but not least, got some tracks with Joell Ortiz, Planetery,
Death Star and more.
9. Any last shout outs?
Shout out to every DJ, Emcee and Producer that’s keeping Hip-Hop alive.
I had a good time answering your questions. “Be kind, for everyone you meet
is fighting a hard battle.”
P.S. Appetite and Mister Digital are two of my favorite producers right now!
Plus massive respect to Billy Ballantine for putting me on stage last minute
at Diabolic’s listening party. Shout out to Ixion Form, Pryme, Godilla, Eff Yoo,
Ghetto MC, UG, Lord Digga, Maze, Cliff, Coal, Tabs, Grim, Dro, Mercy Gang,
and Tones.
Peace to TMB, Madhandz and Trickalome

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